Gardening in pallet collars
Gardening with pallet collars has become very popular both amongst hobby gardeners and gardening professionals. There are a number of advantages to gardening in pallet collars. The soil warms up faster and you can start growing earlier in the spring. It is possible to build whatever height of pallet collars you desire. You can create different levels of cultivation beds by combining various sizes.
Clearing weeds is much easier when crops come up to your level. Gardening pallets are also perfect for creating different sections in your garden. Pallet collars have particularly come into major use in urban farming. With the help of pallet collars it is easy to start a farm on your balcony, on paved surfaces or on rooftops.
Only your imagination sets the limits for ways you can use pallet collars for gardening and growing. ABT has developed a wide selection of pallet collars for cultivation. For instance, just combine gardening pallets with a glazed lid and you have easily created a hotbed!